The general idea is this: we are a conduit for Divine energy/purpose to manifest. We are channels, we are the mouthpiece, we surrender, we hand it over, and we become part of something much larger than ourselves. We are fulfilled and happy, and everything is glorious.
All good. Really.
But you MUST take care of your human ‘vessel’ to do this. That means self-care, self-love, self-nurturing, etc. It means resting, eating nourishing food, having fun, being nice to yourself, and meeting your human needs.
The vessel can’t be full of holes.
If you are running yourself ragged or neglecting your human self, you are just not going to be effective in your mission.
There’s no way around it.
We are here on this planet in human form, and that form has to be respected, honored, and care for or it will not be functioning like it could. Your vessel-ness will be ineffective.
The idea is co-creation. The “co” part matters–half of that is us, the human half. That half matters. That half needs the structure, the nourishing, the health, the time, and the self-love to really show up as half of the equation.
And the Divine half? That is there, that will always be there. It’s through honoring our human selves that we create the conditions where we can be present to that Divine presence.
So if you want to be a conduit for truth, healing, and beauty in the world, get a good night’s rest.
Say no to overwork or busy-ness. Say nice things to yourself in your head. Pay yourself first. Take the time to make dinner and call a friend. Be a friend to yourself. Wear sunscreen. Floss. Create beauty in your workspace and your home. Take a walk and take in the sights, smells, and sounds. Slow down. Stretch.
These things are the foundation and support for everything else you create in the world. They are the structure within which God/the Universe/Spirit/Source can do magic, create miracles, and heal. They matter.
Thanks for the reminder Emma. This week I called up my clients and let them know I am taking two weeks off from working on their websites.
I had fear that they wouldn’t be happy with me, but they were very accepting and one of them was even relieved since it gave her a chance to take a break too!
I realized I want my business to be fun and joyful for me and for my clients, and that means I need to take breaks. I even told my client that and it made our relationship stronger. Cool!
@North Nice! Yup, most people more than understand–they are people too. Enjoy your time off. =)
Emma, I Googled “abundance consciousness” and, happily, found YOU! I’m right there with you: I’ve never trusted “positive thinking” (affirmations remind me of The Shining – “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”) My experience echos yours – it takes input, effort, and surrender to grow and receive grace. But money/class consciousness/lack of abundance is among the toughest points for me, and it feels like high time to surrender. I’ll be visiting again for your experience and wisdom!
@Ber You might be interested in my take on affirmations –
I actually love them. =) But only when you are tapping into your deeper truth, not “putting whipped cream on a cowpie”.