Happiness is not a secret. It’s a goal.
The reason I am happy, as a person, is that I just can’t stand to be unhappy. It irks me, and whenever I’m not happy, I work continually until I figure out how to wrestle my life (or relax my life) back into that peaceful state of flow.
There are no secrets, except the secrets in your own heart which you haven’t discovered yet. And discovering them is a completely do-able task.
It may take a long time. It could be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. It’s often the journey of your lifetime. Curing my depression took me 10 painful years. But it’s still doable. It’s not a mystery, and it’s not unsolvable. If there is one message that I want to give people, that’s it: deep soul joy is a do-able task.
So how do you do it?
Well, that’s the thing. I can’t just give you a 1 2 3 answer, because your happiness is encoded in your own bones. But I can tell you that your bones want you to be happy! That is, your body, your soul, and your life will work with you to produce your happiness. All you have to do is start walking in that direction, and never give up till you get there.
Sounds easy? Well, you know what? It is.
There are lots of books that talk about the heroic struggle and courage and all of that. And I agree, it does take heart. But you have heart. Don’t you? Can’t you feel it in your bones, your longing to be free? Yes. That’s it. That’s what will bring you to your joy.
Here’s why it’s easier than you think: it’s infinitely easier to go with the grain than against it. Everything in your heart and soul and in the Universe itself wants you to be happy. So that’s the grain. That’s where life is pushing you, always, in one way or another. So trust it. Right now. Trust that you are firmly on the road to happiness, and keep walking it till you get there.
And you don’t have to know how to get there. That’s the other beautiful part about living in a Universe that wants you to be happy. It will give you what you need all the time, no matter what, like gravity. I think of spiritual laws like physics. You have a block to your happiness, and the Universe will, in its signature roundabout zig-zag way, give you exactly what you need to unblock it with utter precision. You just have to be willing.
So feel your heart. Be willing. And keep walking. You’ll get there.
Nice article and topic! I am in the market for joy! After participating in some really honest councel, I have realized that I do not experience it…not really. I started self reflection in the joy and freedom department after realizing that I had to much heavy crap that I was carrying around. No wonder I have not enjoyed JOY! The roadblocks that we create to stay safe, whatever that means, become very hard to shake. Staying stuck in our heads…not FEELING. I started counceling to drop some baggage, to free myself of long time family issues. I did not even once realize that I did not know how to experience joy. That I did no longer know how to stay out of my head, and just be in the moment! How sad!
I am willing…..and I will just keep walking!